Lift Down, a pioneer in colorful, unbranded headwear, was founded in 2019 by two brothers to challenge the conventional headwear market. Their mission was simple yet impactful: empower individuals to express themselves without being a walking billboard by offering high-quality headwear that adds a pop of color to any outfit. 


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Growth in email revenue
In just 3 months
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Growth in subscribers
Via optimized opt-in forms, capturing more traffic and enhancing conversions.
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Growth in flow-based revenue
Score higher than 75% of stores from the same niche


Scaling up quickly through paid ads, Lift Down promptly realized they were getting little return on their investment and are barely breaking even on their cost per acquisition.
  1. Inconsistent Campaigns: Email campaigns were irregular and lacked strategic planning, leading to low engagement rates and missed opportunities for conversion.
  2. Underperforming Automated Flows: Existing automated flows weren't tailored to customer behavior, resulting in low engagement and click-through rates.
  3. No proper Segmentation: Customer lists weren't strategically segmented, limiting the ability to deliver relevant messages to targeted audience segments.


  1. Redesign automated flows to deliver a personalized customer journey based on individual preferences and behaviors.
  2. Create a cohesive campaign strategy with effective segmentation to boost click-through rates and overall revenue.
  3. Improve opt-in forms to capture website traffic and convert visitors into email subscribers.

Email Design

We crafted email templates that resonated with's minimalist yet colorful aesthetic, featuring vibrant visuals, concise and impactful copy, and clear calls to action. Each email was meticulously designed to align with's unbranded philosophy while encouraging customers to explore their wide range of headwear. 


  1. Developed a consistent campaign calendar incorporating seasonal promotions, new product launches, and curated content.
  2. Designed newsletters with exclusive offers, styling tips, and colorful headwear inspirations tailored to different audience segments.
  3. Revamped flows such as Welcome Series and Abandoned Cart, which are main revenue generators, integrating custom visuals and personalized messaging.
  4. Introduced new flows like Site Abandonment and Post-Purchase to re-engage customers with relevant content.
  5. Once the users visit the website, customized popups help acquire the customer’s first-party data such as email and phone number and other vital  (i.e Who are you shopping for today?) which are then used to put the customer in personalized flows for both emails and texts.


In just three months, LiftDown's revenue from email marketing soared from 6% to 22%, thanks to the new strategy:

  1. Grew the subscriber base by 68% through optimized opt-in forms, capturing more traffic and enhancing conversion rates.
  2. Lift Down drives 11-15% of their overall revenue from their flows, some of which were redesigned by us keeping in mind the brand’s unique style, tone of voice, and conversational style of communication
Lift Down email marketing transformation showcases the power of targeted strategies, personalized flows, and cohesive campaigns in unlocking hidden growth potential.
April 18, 2024
Lift Down